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» » » » Barack Obama sent a political message to the Americans

Since the White House, the president, accompanied by his wife Michelle Obama, has held to pay tribute to all those who are persecuted in the world, and in particular the Christians of the East. 
In the tradition of the Christmas greetings, Barack Obama sent a message to Americans from the White House. A video recorded before his departure for the island of Hawaii, where he spent the year in family holidays. By his own admission, it is pursuit preferred year-round since it does "in the company of a guest", which is none other than his wife, Michelle. In addition to the features of humor, this intervention was also an opportunity for president US to address a very political message to his people, and while the United States announced that they invest even a little more in the fight against Daesh. But also after the killing of San Bernadino, who made 14 dead. "We must also pay tribute to all those who defend our values, recalled Barack Obama. Wearing the uniform every day, these men and women courageous work for our safety.

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