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Since the White House, the president, accompanied by his wife Michelle Obama, has held to pay tribute to all those who are persecuted in the world, and in particular the Christians of the East. 
In the tradition of the Christmas greetings, Barack Obama sent a message to Americans from the White House. A video recorded before his departure for the island of Hawaii, where he spent the year in family holidays. By his own admission, it is pursuit preferred year-round since it does "in the company of a guest", which is none other than his wife, Michelle. In addition to the features of humor, this intervention was also an opportunity for president US to address a very political message to his people, and while the United States announced that they invest even a little more in the fight against Daesh. But also after the killing of San Bernadino, who made 14 dead. "We must also pay tribute to all those who defend our values, recalled Barack Obama. Wearing the uniform every day, these men and women courageous work for our safety.
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Hillary Clinton vs Bernie Sanders  about the war in iraq
The third democratic debate candidates for the primaries of the Party Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders played Saturday the leaders face the prospect of a president Donald Trump, the outrageous candidate in the Republican primary. On the substance and the form, their statements have decided with the excesses of Donald Trump. Candidates for the Democratic primary Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders played Saturday, December 19, the leaders face the prospect of a president Donald Trump, the candidate in the Republican primary, which they have denounced the incendiary and superficial statements on matters of national security and diplomacy

Hillary Clinton, the Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders, and the former Governor of Maryland Martin O'Malley gathered in Manchester, New Hampshire, for the third debate of the year at 43 days of the start of the primaries. As in the two previous games, the former Secretary of State has never appeared in danger, never really disconcerted by attacks that years of policy have prepared her. With 56% of the average voting intentions, the candidate has consolidated his lead since October, it emerged stronger after excellent performances in the debates, an adversarial hearing but successful Congress and renunciation of Vice President Joe Biden to the primaries. Bernie Sanders capped at about 31%. "It is Hillary Clinton who won this debate," believes Philip Crowther, corresponding in Washington. It is favoured because she knows very well this type of exercise for having much against Barack Obama in 2008, it is confidence"continues the journalist.

The third democratic debate candidates for the primaries of the Party Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders played Saturday the leaders face the prospect of a president Donald Trump, the outrageous candidate in the Republican primary. On the substance and the form, their statements have decided with the excesses of Donald Trump. Candidates for the Democratic primary Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders played Saturday, December 19, the leaders face the prospect of a president Donald Trump, the candidate in the Republican primary, which they have denounced the incendiary and superficial statements on matters of national security and diplomacy.

A serious fire has completely destroyed Monday the Museum of the Portuguese language in São Paulo, one of the most popular in the country. A firefighter lost his life trying to control the flames. A major fire has ravaged Monday 22 December the Museum of the Portuguese language in São Paulo, in the South of the Brazil. A firefighter from the security service of the Museum, seriously burned trying to control the first flames, is died of his wounds in the hospital, according to a preliminary tally. The fire broke out first floor of the Museum, located in an old train station building, in the heart of the Brazilian megalopolis. The fire then spread rapidly. By chance, the building was closed to the public this day there. Because of gusts of wind, firefighters at the top of the scales have struggled to contain the fire that reached significant smoke

Inaugurated in March 2006, the Museum of the Portuguese language in São Paulo is one of the most popular in the country. Unique in the world, it has neither books nor tables, but offers a sensory and fun of the Brazil Portuguese discovery. The Governor of the State of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, immediately promised to rebuild the Museum which, according to him, "reflects the soul of the Brazilian people".


    More than 40 gendarmes died on the night of Sunday to Monday in a crash in Argentina. A flat tire would be at the origin of the Road exit of the bus which fell into a ravine on nearly twenty meters. A crash of bus carrying gendarmes did more than 40 dead in the night of Sunday to Monday in the Northwest of the Argentina. "The number of dead stood at 41. "Ten policemen were hospitalized, four of which are in a serious condition", said Francisco Marinaro, Director of civil security in the province of Salta, a mountainous region where the accident occurred. The vehicle came out of the road and had a fall more than 15 meters from a bridge. The car, which was part of a convoy of three police vehicles, rocked in the void when the driver lost control after having engaged on the bridge, said police in a statement. According to the civil security officer, a flat tire is at the origin of the drama. "We need to improve our highways" in the morning, rescuers discovered in first 20 bodies in the dry bed of a river. They then identified other prisoners the carcass of the vehicle bodies. "The majority were young policemen," said Gustavo Solis, Mayor of the city of Rosario de la Frontera, close to the scene of the accident. According to him, it happened on a road in poor condition. "Those who know the area well are trying to avoid the night", he said. The Argentine Mauricio Macri president, elected last month on a programme of improvement of the road network in rural areas, sent his condolences to the families of the victims. "We need to improve our highways so that these things happen more", said the head of State on the sidelines of a press conference in the province of Buenos Aires
Rarely has Lionel Messi also rebounded. Very touched by the many criticisms which he is the target every time he wears the shirt of Argentina, FC Barcelona striker defended himself in an interview granted to And "Pulga" did not mince his words. His message to his detractors held in four words: "Fuck you!"
"It bothers me when we are told to try harder or that does not wet the shirt, and the plague four Golden Ball. We managed to qualify for the final of the World Cup (in 2014 ) and Copa America (this summer) and yet it is as if we had done nothing. We did not win, but we at least went to the final. We did not come out in the round ... "
He did not sing the anthem!
"Football is not just a matter of effort, he said. There have been difficult times. Against Germany, which has great players, we had our chances. And against Chile , the same, but we lost on penalties. I'm tired of people attacking without thinking. " The fracture is very real between the jewel of Abiceleste and some supporters.
Lionel Messi is so angry that he will "do it on purpose not to sing the national anthem" before international events. "I do not have to sing for the feel, loose there. I always made a priority of selection and I want to win every game I play." A dry developed a few months of the Copa America 2016 in the United States.
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Patrick Artus economist explains that some signals and some developments appear consistently when they approach the end of a period of expansion in the United States. These signs appear to be systematic: the decline in manufacturing employment; the decline in profitability; share repurchases by companies; the downturn in housing starts, building permits, housing sales; and rising corporate defaults. Today all these signals are observed except those related to residential real estate, and with only a very slight decline of industrial employment, says the economist.

Object of the game

The objective of this project is to develop in children:
- An investigative approach to the sessions that boils down to observe, analyze, make hypotheses, manipulate and conclude.
- Critically on the experiences that will be made and set up debates
- A simplistic and playful approach to science
- A final result: a visit to a research laboratory

Rules of the game

The theme for this project is the optics and more particularly the composition of light.
This project is divided into 10 sessions each lasting one hour, with a group of children (14 in total) of CM1 and CM2 in a primary school in the 5th district of Paris.
We work with the help of a researcher Jeannic Ms. Le, a doctoral student at the Kastler Brossel laboratory, which will conduct a meeting with us and who will visit his laboratory to children at the end of the project.
During these sessions, children will include:
- The properties of light and composition
- The difference between laser and white light

- The effect of the color filter use

While some European citizens could be subject to stricter controls in the United States, according to a bill supported by the government, some people are already worried about the consequences of this measure. Report.
Arriving in the United States, European travelers could now be closely monitored. If they can currently enter the US without a visa, the world power may soon adopt a legal arsenal to tighten controls, such as voted Tuesday, December 8th the House of Representatives of Congress. The US government expressed support for this legislation.
While this tightening of controls has yet to be approved by the Senate, Fulconis Tancred, a French student of the prestigious Georgetown University, already seeing changes. "At the airport, customs now ask me many questions," said he to France 24. "Customs officials are particularly interested in my trip to Lebanon since the country is considered at risk for the US . I was asked when I went there with whom, the names of these people, what I did there, etc. "
Increased suspicion since the attacks of 13 November in Paris, some of the authors were holders of European passports. Washington fears that Belgian or French jihadists do not fit on the US territory to carry out attacks. Nationals of these countries, like those of 36 other states, can indeed travel to the US without a visa for a tourist trip and for a period 90 days, through the ESTA program.
"Paris Suicide bombers could get into our country"
The bill passed by the House of Representatives, which has yet to be confirmed by the Senate, would prohibit travelers from 38 countries partners who surrendered since March 2011 in Iraq, Syria, Iran and Sudan to qualify for exemption, forcing them to apply for a visa to the US authorities before travel. The law also covers persons with dual nationality with one of the named countries, such as Franco-Iranians, even if they have never been to Iran.
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The Court of Arbitration for Sport decided on Friday to continue the suspension of Michel Platini by Fifa until 5 January. Another setback for the French who still remains under the threat of a more severe sanction. Verdict before Christmas.

Certainly, the situation is complicated for Michel Platini. The French, former favorite for president of FIFA, had his 90-day suspension upheld on appeal, Friday, December 11, by the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne (CAS).

TAS "has determined that maintaining the current temporary suspension was not likely to cause irreparable harm to Michel Platini for the moment," do we learn in a statement, Friday, December 11 in the morning.

The UEFA president "remains confident in the merits of the case and the strength of his case," he told AFP his lawyer Thibaud Ales, in the wake of the announcement of this decision.

Platini, as well as the former president Sepp Blatter instance, was suspended for 90 days on October 8, pending a judgment on the merits, as he is suspected of being directly involved in an unfair payment case. It accuses the president of UEFA in 2011 to have received a payment of 1.8 million Blatter for a mission between 1999 and 2002.

The Ethics Commission of Fifa, Blatter who will receive 17 December Platini and the next day, should take a final decision in place of the two men before Christmas Eve, said an inside source.

Fifa ordered to make a quick decision

If the CAS decision fell like a cleaver for Platini clan, it remains albeit with considerable restrictions on the location of FIFA. The Ethics Commission was ordered to order not to extend the temporary suspension of Platini 45 days, possibly as required by Article 85 of the Ethics Code of the proceedings.

CAS said "that such an extension would constitute an excessive and unjustified restriction of the right of Michel Platini to access to justice, would cause him irreparable harm and would tip the weighing of interests in its favor." Or, more simply, it would deal a definitive blow and arbitrary his presidential ambitions.

If the Ethics Commission wishes to the President of UEFA disqualified in the fight for the leadership of FIFA, it will have no other choice but to sanction a permanent basis.

The suspension of Michel Platini, which ends January 5, for now prevents the validation of the candidacy of the French to the presidency of FIFA. The vote will take place February 26, 2016
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The Saudi billionaire and a member of the royal family, Prince Walid bin Talal Al, attacked on Twitter Donald Trump, the favorite of the race for the Republican nomination after his remarks against Muslims and their entry into the United States.

Criticized from all sides after his remarks about Muslims, the American tycoon Donald Trump, which is leading the race for the Republican nomination for the 2016 presidential elections, has drawn the ire of wealthy Saudi Prince Walid Ben Talal Al-.

It is on Twitter, where he is one of the major shareholders, the nephew of King Salman tackled the candidate who has recently proposed to temporarily prohibit Muslims from entering the US territory after the San Bernardino shooting committed by a couple of Islamic extremists.
An agreement "strong" and "ambitious" for Obama, a victory for "climate justice" to Modi: the world leaders welcomed the agreement signed Saturday night in Paris to fight against global warming, as part of the COP21.

"I am convinced that this moment can be a turning point for the world." US President Barack Obama has not full of praise after the adoption, Saturday, December 12 in Paris, an unprecedented agreement to fight against global warming.

However, he stressed that the text was not in itself the solution: "No agreement is perfect, including this one [...] But it establishes sustainable framework, which the world needs to solve. the climate crisis. "

The "best chance" against global warming

"It creates the mechanism and architecture to confront this challenge effectively," he added, speaking from the White House a few hours after the signing of the agreement. "This deal represents the best chance we have to save the only planet we have."

"Moreover, it is a powerful signal that the world is resolutely turned towards a future with less carbon", further stated the US president, saying that this should encourage investment and innovation in clean energy "to an unprecedented rate
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Donald Trump, born June 14, 1946 in New York, is an American businessman. Magnat real estate billionaire, it is also television presenter and politician. He was a candidate of the Republican Party primary for the 2016 presidential election.

He is the son of an entrepreneur in real estate in New York, co-founder of the company Elizabeth Trump and His. Donald Trump is working while studying at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1968, he officially joined forces with the company, he has led since 1971 when it was renamed The Trump Organization. He is also the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts (en). It is famous for having built his empire and reputation on prestigious buildings that bear most of the time its name. Most of his accomplishments are in the state of New York, including skyscrapers, but also notes a large casino in Atlantic City, the Trump Taj Mahal. Forbes magazine estimated his fortune in 2015 to 4.1 billion1. From 2004 to 2015, it is also host of the reality show The Apprentice.

The June 16, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president of the US Republican Party primary in 2016. Enjoying quickly to extensive media coverage, Donald Trump has quickly established itself as an atypical and incontournable2 candidate. Starting in July 2015, he found himself in an almost systematic in the lead opinion polls for républicaine3 nomination. His populist language and resolutely anti-immigration distinguishes his campaign and raises all critical parts and convictions

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The representatives of 195 countries adopted in Paris an unprecedented global agreement to combat the warming of the planet. "The Paris agreement for the climate is adopted", said the president of the COP21, Laurent Fabius, sparking a long round of applause throughout the room. "It's a small hammer but it can do great things," he said, by pushing it down on the desk. If the agreement does not raise any major objections, a new plenary will be convened a few hours later for a formal adoption, which does not pass through a vote. The Pact will then enter into force in 2020.
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